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Showing posts from July, 2018

Find Your Tribe #GoforSPACE

For years I talked about writing a Fund for Teachers grant. I hemmed and hawed about where I would go and what I would do. Then, in late 2017, I learned about the first annual Space Port Area Conference for Educators (SPACE) to be held at the Kennedy Space Center in the summer of 2018 by the Astronauts Memorial Fund. The stars aligned (pun intended) and I knew I needed to go to this event. And I would write a FFT grant proposal to get me there. I currently teach at an Expeditionary Learning School and EL has a long history of helping teachers write FFT proposals. So, with the help of an EL educator that is very experienced in helping teachers write successful proposals (THANK YOU a million times Aurora), I wrote my proposal to attend the SPACE conference. In April, while at a NYC STEM workshop, I found out I had been awarded the grant! Fund for Teachers was going to pay for this amazing opportunity. Little did I know then how truly awesome it would be. Fast forward to July. Gidd...