When I started this blog, I wanted it to be a about science and pedagogy. When I look at what I've written so far, it's all pedagogy. So, now it's time to bring on the SCIENCE ! This is the science of making mozzarella cheese . Or, at the very least, the science of the ingredients. Here's what I needed to make the cheese: Milk Salt Rennet Citric Acid Water Here's what I learned about the science behind the ingredients. Milk : Any milk will do as long as it isn't ultra high temperature pasteurized (UHT). Apparently, if the milk is ultra high temperature pasteurized, the heat may cause the proteins to denature, or lose their shape. When proteins denature they are not able to function appropriately. If this happens they will not be able to come together to form curds. When milk is UHT pasteurized it is heated to 280 degrees. That't pretty hot for the proteins in milk. And while I would want the proteins to denature if I was making yogurt, I d...